
[bey-kuh n] /ˈbeɪ kən/
the back and sides of the hog, salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried for food.
Also called white bacon. South Midland and Southern U.S. pork cured in brine; salt pork.
bring home the bacon,
  1. to provide for material needs; earn a living.
  2. to accomplish a task; be successful or victorious:
    Our governor went to Washington to appeal for disaster relief and brought home the bacon—$40 million.
save one's bacon, Informal. to allow one to accomplish a desired end; spare one from injury or loss:
Quick thinking saved our bacon.
1300-50; Middle English bacoun < Anglo-French; Old French bacon < Germanic *bakōn- (Old High German bacho back, ham, bacon) derivative of *baka- back1; compare Middle Dutch bake bacon
British Dictionary definitions for save one's bacon


meat from the back and sides of a pig, dried, salted, and usually smoked
(informal) bring home the bacon
  1. to achieve success
  2. to provide material support
(Brit, informal) save someone's bacon, to help someone to escape from danger
Word Origin
C12: from Old French bacon, from Old High German bahho; related to Old Saxon baco; see back1


Francis, Baron Verulam, Viscount St Albans. 1561–1626, English philosopher, statesman, and essayist; described the inductive method of reasoning: his works include Essays (1625), The Advancement of Learning (1605), and Novum Organum (1620)
Francis. 1909–92, British painter, born in Dublin, noted for his distorted, richly coloured human figures, dogs, and carcasses
Roger. ?1214–92, English Franciscan monk, scholar, and scientist: stressed the importance of experiment, demonstrated that air is required for combustion, and first used lenses to correct vision. His Opus Majus (1266) is a compendium of all the sciences of his age
Word Origin and History for save one's bacon



early 14c., "meat from the back and sides of a pig" (originally either fresh or cured, but especially cured), from Old French bacon, from Proto-Germanic *bakkon "back meat" (cf. Old High German bahho, Old Dutch baken "bacon"). Slang phrase bring home the bacon first recorded 1908; bacon formerly being the staple meat of the working class.

save one's bacon in Science
English scientist and philosopher who is noted for the wide range of his knowledge and writing on scientific topics. Bacon pioneered the idea that mathematics is fundamental to science and that experimentation is essential to test scientific theories.

Our Living Language  : Roger Bacon was something of a Renaissance man before there was a Renaissance. Over the course of his long life, his energetic research would lead him to study everything from languages to mathematics to optics. He is most remembered for his insistence on the importance of pursuing fruitful lines of scientific research through experimentation. His writings describe countless experiments; while the majority were probably never performed by him, the profusion alone of experimental ideas is nothing short of astounding. His own laboratory work dealt primarily with alchemy, optics, and mechanics. He was among the first to apply geometric and mathematical principles to problems in optics and the behavior of light, allowing him to make important observations on reflection and refraction. His interest in mechanics led him to describe flying machines and other devices that had not yet been invented. He was the first person in the West to come up with a recipe for gunpowder, and he suggested reforms to the calendar, which would ultimately be implemented hundreds of years later. His novel ways of pursuing knowledge were sometimes viewed with suspicion, resulting at one time in imprisonment; but he bravely resisted all strictures on his intellectual life, even when that meant having to write and work in secret.
Slang definitions & phrases for save one's bacon

save one's bacon

verb phrase

To save oneself; work one's preservation: We'd better act right now if we want to save our bacon (1654+)


Related Terms

bring home the bacon

Idioms and Phrases with save one's bacon

save one's bacon

Also, save one's neck or skin. Rescue one from a difficult situation or harm, as in I was having a hard time changing the flat tire but along came Bud, who saved my bacon, or The boat capsized in icy waters, but the life preservers saved our skins. The allusion in the first term is no longer clear. It may simply be a comical way of referring to one's body or one's life. At the time it was first recorded, in 1654, bacon was a prized commodity, so perhaps saving one's bacon was tantamount to keeping something precious. Both variants allude to saving one's life, the one with skin dating from the early 1500s, and with neck, alluding to beheading, from the late 1600s.
Encyclopedia Article for save one's bacon


a side of a pig that, after removal of the spare ribs, is cured, either dry or in pickle, and smoked. Some varieties, notably Canadian bacon, are cut from the loin portion of the pork, which is more lean

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